
What is Counselling?

7 November 2022by crbwebsite0

6 Benefits of Counselling

You feel stressed, things are difficult, its challenging. You are experiencing anxiety or depression, basically something has changed in your life. You think about counselling or its suggested.  You know its sitting in a room with a counsellor once a week for an hour …

but what exactly is counselling ?

In a nutshell counselling is open, honest, talking – with purpose. It’s an opportunity to talk about yourself uninterrupted, about what you think, how you feel and how things are for you. Unlike chatting to friends or family who can be a great support, there is no need to filter what you say. No one will be hurt, no need to worry about things being repeated or misunderstood. There is an aim to explore certain areas of your life.

You are free to express your whole self and all your feelings without fear of judgement, ridicule or humiliation.

Counselling is confidential, offering the safety to explore areas of your self in a warm, understanding way. If you are talking about experiencing pain or discomfort in relationships or childhood, difficult life events or behaviour you aren’t too proud of – having someone there supporting you, seeing things from your perspective and not judging means you can let go of your ‘armour’ and be your vulnerable self, which isn’t always possible or safe in other relationships. The feeling of the secure relationship and being accepted allows habits used throughout life to be gently challenged.

It is the ultimate self care.


So how does counselling help?


Counselling, the ultimate self care, offers the opportunity to know yourself. If you understand your needs then you can get them met. When we can fully accept ourselves – it makes it easier to accept and understand others, which after all increases your harmony and happiness.

Benefits also include:

1 Reduces stress and anxiety.

Because you’ve spoken to a counsellor, you aren’t carrying those thoughts and feelings around in your head, heart and body.

2 Physical improvements

Less stress and anxiety leaves you feeling calmer, able to sleep better, lower cortisol and relax properly.

3 Boosts self esteem

Taking care of yourself has a positive impact on how you see & feel about you and leads to greater kindness and less self criticism.

4 Increases motivation

Feeling good about yourself leads to having the positive energy to do more & try new things.

5 Defends mental health

By prioritizing your self care you also protect your mental health.

6 Improves relationships

Feeling happier, healthier, more positive, & confident in yourself results in open communication and better relationships.

So you see there’s quite a lot to like about counselling and looking after yourself.

If you’d like to find out more about counselling see our page How The Counselling Process Works or click on the contact page to get in touch



About the author: Chris Boobier is the owner of CRB Counselling specialising in anxiety, trauma & loss. Supporting adults and adolescents, she is passionate about helping people be their authentic self through counselling.

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