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From CRB Counselling

Anxiety, can invade your thoughts and ultimately disrupt your life, often uninvited and certainly not welcome. But It’s essential to be aware of the signs that may indicate the presence of anxiety. What are the 5 signs you have anxiety? Here are the 5 signs you have anxiety and some practical tips on how to...

Does Counselling Work?

Can counselling help? There is fortunately a lot of discussion around mental health today. From workplace support to podcasts and social media. All explore common mental health conditions like anxiety and depression while offering wisdom on how to feel better. People often suggest therapy, counselling, or talking therapies to help those with common mental health...

9 Signs of Emotional Resilience What is emotional resilience? It is your ability to respond to stressful or unexpected situations. It is being able to ‘bounce back’ and keep going, during difficult times. Life is often unexpected and stressful, but having emotional resilience helps to face these challenges, and keep moving on. 9 Signs of...

    Building Better Boundaries What are boundaries? These are guidelines, rules or limits you create for things you will accept as reasonable or safe. These limits can be physical emotional time topics The easiest way to think about a boundary is like a property line. With ‘No Trespassing’ signs. Basically very clear and obvious...

Signs of Emotional Invalidation Do you struggle with expressing yourself? You feel overwhelmed or cry when trying to say what’s going on for you. You wonder why you can’t say how you feel and it leaves you not wanting to share too much. If you find that you say ‘I’m fine’ when asked how you...

‘Technically’ Connected? ‘Blue Monday’ in January has been manufactured as ‘the most depressing day of the year’ when we can often feel lonely. Taking into account: The weather, Length of time till next Christmas, Waiting for pay day Waning motivation for New Years Resolutions, its no surprise things feel tough in January. Feeling lonely can...

The Trauma Response You hear about being ‘triggered’ all the time. It comes explicitly as a warning on a social media post or TV show. ‘Snowflakes’ are mocked for perceived lack of resilience and told they are ‘triggered by everything’. It describes emotional responses to different situations and the feelings this brings up – but...

  When work disappoints Sometimes things don’t work out as you need it to, projects aren’t signed off, staff change, shift patterns aren’t agreed or the flexibility promised just can’t be authorised right now – this is when we have disappointment at work. But what can we do with this? Here are ways to deal...