
Do I need therapy?

5 November 2023by crbwebsite0

Thinking about Therapy?

In 2021/22 1.81million referrals were made to the NHS talking therapy service. This means more people are open to counselling, but that also services cannot keep up with demand.

An alternative is private therapy which can be a transformative journey, yet many people grapple with the question,

“Do I need therapy?”

The answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

Therapy is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand themselves better, cope with life’s challenges, and improve their mental well-being. You don’t have to be in a place where you NEED therapy to have therapy.

Ideally, you will start seeing a counsellor before you find you can’t get out of bed or are having dark thoughts – because that could be the very start of a crisis (so please don’t ignore these signs)

Therapy can be sought for so many reasons.

Such as to

  • reduce anxiety and stress
  • communicate better
  • change patterns of behaviour
  • improve confidence and self-esteem
  • raise self-awareness
  • finding out who you are

There doesn’t have to be a major upset or malfunction to seek support.

But the journey to find the right therapist near you and to understand if face-to-face or online counselling would be best can be


So, let’s explore this crucial decision.

Do I Need Therapy?

First and foremost, it’s important to recognise that seeking therapy is not a sign of weakness. It’s an act of courage and self-care. If you find yourself consistently overwhelmed, anxious, or unable to manage your emotions and thoughts, it may be time to consider therapy. Whether you’re dealing with a specific issue or simply seeking further understanding, therapy can provide invaluable insights and strategies for personal growth.

How to Find a Therapist Near Me

Finding the right therapist is key to a successful therapeutic journey. Start by seeking recommendations from friends, family, or people you trust. Online directories and search engines can also be helpful. Consider the therapist’s credentials, experience, and specialities. Reading reviews, testimonials, and blogs can give you a sense of their approach and effectiveness.

Differences Between Face-to-Face and Online Counselling

Face-to-face therapy has traditionally been the norm, offering in-person sessions that foster a strong therapist-client connection. It allows for non-verbal communication cues, making it easier for therapists to comprehend emotions and responses. However, online counselling has become increasingly popular due to its accessibility and convenience. Through video calls, text, or audio sessions, you can engage with a therapist from the comfort of your home. While online therapy may lack the physical connection, psychologically it can be just as effective as in-person sessions for many individuals.

I work face-to-face from my practice room and online or via telephone.

What to Look for When Considering Counselling

When considering counselling, keep these factors in mind:

Therapist Qualifications:

Ensure your therapist is licensed and well-qualified in their field. Counselling is not a regulated industry and as such anyone can call themselves a counsellor. Checking whether the counsellor or therapist is a registered or accredited member of a professional body such as the BACP or NCPS as I am will ensure the therapist is qualified.


Choose a therapist with expertise in your specific issues. Whilst there can be a lot of overlap between counsellors, finding a specific therapist who understands for example trauma and dysfunctional families as I do, means you know you will feel understood, safe and that the counsellor will be able to help you. I don’t work with couples for example so there will be other counsellors with much greater experience than me in other areas.

I focus on

Trauma – an emotional response to something distressing. This can be a single event, chronic or repeated trauma, or complex which is varied and multiple traumatic events. It can be relational trauma which is the after affects of abuse, neglect or suffering by those whose parents or caregivers did not meet their needs. More on trauma here

Bereavement – including pet bereavement.

Loss and transitions – health, mobility, injury, relationship, career, not being a parent, finances, business, not hitting expectations, becoming a parent, children moving out for example.

Therapeutic Approach:

Different therapists use various techniques and approaches. Find one whose methods align with your preferences. I am an integrative counsellor with a person-centred background which means I believe you are the expert in you and that you know what you need to explore, but I also use cognitive behavioural therapy, psychodynamic theory, internal family systems and trauma-informed stabilisation treatment in my counselling.


Establish a rapport with your therapist. You should feel comfortable discussing anything with your counsellor. I have an initial telephone consultation and you will be able to get a feel for what I am like, ask questions and I will explain how I work and how this will support you. When we meet, if you feel there is a block or you are saying what you think I want to hear instead of what you need to say – then bring this into the room for us to discuss and this will become part of the work. Often a challenge in the counselling relationship is also replicated in other relationships, and this offers the chance to explore issues in a safe relationship that isn’t at risk if you say how you feel.

Availability and Accessibility:

Consider scheduling, location, and cost. Ensure therapy is accessible and fits into your life. How easy is this to do considering location, time etc? As said I work from Amersham (easy off-street parking ) and online/ telephone so can cover the whole of the UK.


Usually a therapist will conduct an initial assessment to understand your needs and develop ways to support you.

In the first telephone consultation before working together I will conduct an initial assessment to make sure I can offer what you need. This means checking I have the skills and competence to support you, that I understand what your expectations are for therapy and also how are we going to get there (and know when we have) This can be established through regular reviews or goal-setting to check things are on track to make the changes you need.

In conclusion, therapy is a powerful tool for finding calm, self-improvement and mental well-being. It’s normal to have moments of doubt and insecurity, but it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone in your journey. Whether you choose face-to-face or online counselling, the most important step is taking that first one toward seeking support..

Therapy can be a transformative and empowering experience, guiding you toward a happier, healthier and calmer life.

Interested in exploring how counselling would work for you?

Please email [email protected] or click here

About the author: Chris Boobier is the owner of CRB Counselling specialising in anxiety, trauma, Bereavement & loss. Supporting adults and adolescents, she is passionate about helping people be their authentic self through counselling.

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